Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dreams of 2011

"...and here we go life's waiting to begin..." -AVA

So a new year has hit us… and the comings and goings that have taken place this last year made me think about what has happened, and what still will come, in 2011. For me, to sum up a year in a word or a short phrase is hard, and yet, easy at the same time. This year has meant many things to me… loving, finding yourself, losing some of who you thought you were…and in that process of loss discovering new dreams… or echoes of old ones that had somehow gotten lost in the frenetic pace that life takes us on. And while I know we’re already at the end of January, I don’t think it’s too late to think about some things that we want to do this next year. So that’s my challenge to you all, and to myself. What are you going to do this year that will make you look back with peace and happiness in years to come? Will you look back and think “now THAT was a great year…” or will it be simply another year where much activity took place, but so little was accomplished? So much of our lives we spend waiting for the next job, the next relationship, the next paycheck, or the next stage of life. We think “as soon as I get THERE” or “as soon as I have that person in my life…” when really, there will always be something that isn’t quite perfect that keeps us wishing for the next thing to happen. That’s why they call it a risk.

You have now. I have now. Neither one of us might have next year, and our futures’ become our present before we know it. So what will you do? Make a list, or share a few things with someone close to you so that you can look back next year and see how you did. Where is one place you want to visit? Do you want to start a new hobby, job, or dream? Who can you impact that you have previously simply passed by in your day to day life? They might only have this year left…and they might be dying for someone to take the time to care about their dreams. What are some fun things you want to do while you are in high school, college, or some other stage of life?

picture from's that awesome there.
That’s really all I have guys. I know this one was fairly short but it was something I needed to tell myself as much as anyone else. And, just so I have something out there and actually walk the way I am talking, here are a few things I want to do this next year:

1. Start learning guitar. It’s always something that I’ve wanted to do and though I might not master it, I would really like to learn. I love music and think it’s pretty ridiculous that I don’t play anything. (As a side note to all you musicians or kids that are currently playing an instrument… don’t stop. You’ll regret it I promise.  ;)

2. Visit either Washington and Oregon or a foreign country…maybe Europe? I love going new places (as long as I can come back home ;) and am going to work on stepping out to see some places that are totally new this next year.

My two awesome sisters at Lake Dillon this year
3. Become more involved at a church. I’ve really pulled back the last couple years from being actively involved in church activities due to some stuff that I’ve gone through. And really, that’s not right. God calls us to be a group of believers helping each other and growing corporately so I want to follow that call and become active again.

Winter X Games with Josh, Tim, and Luke
4. Make specific, intentional memories with friends and siblings. Plan a trip; go see a concert, etc. That kind of stuff that makes for amazing memories later in life.

5. Start planning an active strategy for following God’s call on my life. I know what God has called me to and I need to start figuring out a plan allow me to serve in that capacity. Mainly, this means starting to plan financially, and making contacts for when God decides that the time has come for me to take the next step.

So there’s a few things from me, and I've added some pictures of some of my favorite things that have happened this year. Hopefully, some of this might get you thinking about some stuff you want to do in this next year. I’ll look forward to talking to you all as I run into you in the future years and talking about how awesome 2011 was. Oh, and as a side note, Valentine’s Day is coming (Feb 14th for all you guys) and I’m super excited to write on that next. So stay tuned for that post :)
You know it's true :)