Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Sounds of Life and Music in 2011

This will just be a (fairly) short post reviewing the year in music. Why am I doing this? Because music is one of my main hobbies, I want to, and this is my blog. So in short, I do what I want. ;) If you are looking for a deep/controversial/relationship/theological topic, like most of my other posts, this post is not for you. You can stop reading now and go check Facebook again to see if anyone has posted anything new(especially relationship status updates) in the last 42 seconds.

Here’s what I am going to cover:
-Favorite Song of 2011
-Favorite album of 2011
-Biggest surprise of 2011 for me in music
-Biggest let-down of 2011
-Music most excited for in 2012

Favorite Song: This one is hard but I am going to go with JoJo’s song “Disaster”
Explanation: Those who are a little older might remember JoJo. Super talented girl (one of the top 5 female vocalists I’ve ever heard) who burst on the scene a few years ago with her hit song “Too Little…Too Late”. Why do I like the song? Three reasons. First, the lyrics. It’s kind of a slam on some of the clichés you hear about love. Here is a couple lines:  “…the wall’s went up and our love fell down… and it turned into ‘whatever’…now we’re saying “never”. Feel the fire ‘cause it’s all around…and it’s burning for forever and always”.  I love the last part because you often hear people say “forever and always” with love and a lot of times that’s just not what ends up happening. Second, the beat. It’s driving, it’s fast, it fits…the end. Third, JoJo and her emotion and vocal range. You can almost hear her pain “…no happy ever after…just disaster” and the way she sings it is truly incredible.  

Favorite Album of 2011: Wow. It’s so, so close. It’s a tossup between Blink 182’s album “Neighborhoods” and Angels and Airwaves album “Love II”.  Definitely get both but…I’d have to go with Love II.

(Honorable mention: Avril Lavigne’s album “Goodbye Lullaby” and Daughtry’s “Break the Spell”)

Explanation: Here’s the bottom line. Angels and Airwaves has a very ethereal style driven by the extremely unique vocals and lyrics that Tom Delonge brings to the group. If you like the ‘futuristic’ type sound of AvA then you will probably love it. If you don’t….you will hate it. I love Tom’s lyrics and sound so I love it. However, if you aren’t into the sound…you would be better off getting the Blink album because it’s basically all that with more of a punk rock feel. And as I mentioned, they are both fantastic.

Biggest surprise: Two words: Michelle Branch.

Explanation: Most of you probably remember Michelle. If you don’t just check out the link and try, I dare you, not to LOVE the song.( ) It’s one of my top 5 favorite songs (and music videos). Well, Michelle is back. She was supposed to have an album out by now but…so far we only have a single. “Loud Music” came out around June and I loved it. I got to see her in concert with the Goo Goo Dolls a few months later and that was beyond awesome. Such an awesome concert and my favorite of the year for sure. This was a surprise because she’s been out of the music world for several years now and to see her come back with something so good was awesome. So yeah, check out the new single if you love Michelle, which you should. ;)

Biggest let-down: Sigh…this one hurts. But I’m going to have to say LIGHTS album “Siberia”.

Explantion: The reason this is so hard is because I absolutely love lights. Her first album “The Listening” was easily my favorite album of last year and so the dubstep and ‘dirty’ sound her second album took was disappointing to me. Now, not to say it wasn’t good. It’s growing on me a little but…..yeah, I was very sad. She was incredible in concert though…so nice and so down to earth. I love her for that. Totally would date her…just throwing that out there. ;)

Music most excited for in 2012: Hmm… ok I’m going to list 5 albums to watch for. You heard it here first.
JoJo’s album “Jumping Trains”: This could be a bust. But…I don’t think so. I’m getting it based solely on her vocal talent. And the incredible single ‘Disaster’

The Fray’s album “Scars and Stories”: Umm…it’s The Fray. Need I say more? If for some reason you don’t believe me…go check out the new single ‘Heartbeat’. You’ll thank me later.

Michelle Branch’s album “West Coast Time”: Again, slightly nervous, but…not really. I think I’m going to love this one. Again, based on Michelle’s ability on the guitar and the new single ‘Loud Muisc’.

Owl City ????: So…this is just a rumor, but we might have a new album form Owl City in the summer/fall of 2012. Which would be incredible. Adam Young just keeps improving. All Things Bright And Beautiful I listen to at least once a week and I still love it. Can’t wait to see him live again.

Newsboys album “God Is Not Dead”: So… I cheated. I pre-ordered this one and already know it’s great…as are all of the Newsboys albums. No defense needed. Just go buy it. It has Kevin Maxx of DC talk on a couple songs and if that doesn’t excite you then…I don’t even know what to say to you.  ;)

There you go! That’s my short (yeah right) thoughts on what I liked and what albums to watch for this next year. I’m already scheduled to see Matt Nathanson, Kelly Clarkson, Newsboys, Skillet, and JoJo live so I’m very excited!

 Thanks for reading…

Friday, January 20, 2012

Tebow and 'Divine Intervention'

And... hibernation is over! Yes, that is the excuse I am going to use for not blogging at all for almost 9 months. What could have possibly brought me out of hibernation you might ask? Well...two things. First, I think I actually have something valuable to say, the time to write it, and feel like I should. Second, (I kind of cheated by sticking three things in my first point but...sorry. Just work with me.) I was awakened from my hibernation by someone yelling "TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBOW!!!!!!!!"

But on a serious note, it has been interesting watching Tebow and the.....what is the right word....hysteria?....that has gripped the bronco nation, christian nation, and fine.....just the entire nation in general. Hysteria might be too strong a word but to say that he is one of the most controversial figures to come on the scene recently would not be an overstatement at all. The fact that his #15 jersey is the top selling apparel in the NFL should be proof that this guy is someone that fascinates many....whether you're a sports fan or not.

The question that I have in my mind tonight is some peoples' talk of 'Divine intervention' and what role it plays in Tebow's, and for that matter, every other Christian's life? Now, some have said that the reason Tebow has had success on the field this year is because God is 'intervening' in the games and bringing the Broncos back (from sometimes almost impossible odds) to unexpected victory. The idea behind this is that because Tebow is so vocal about his faith and seems to lead such a God-honoring life, that God is blessing with the direct result of letting him and the Broncos win football games. And....I don't know what I think about this. I am inclined to think this is just a little bit ridiculous.

Here's why:

1. There are plenty of other Christians in the NFL....some even on the teams the Broncos have defeated (ex. Lovie Smith, coach of the Bears). So...if that is the way God 'blesses' Christians that follow Him and play football, how does one reconcile that? One guy who is a Christian loses. Seems like a double standard if that's indeed the way it works?

2. Just because you are honoring God with your life, doesn't mean you will have 'success' as the world defines it. Yes, many times you might, because the principles of God are wise and very often benefit our lives in physical, financial, and social ways. However, think about Job, or prettymuch any of the prophets. They followed God like few of us do, and yet they had much happen to them in their lives that the world would have definitely not defined as 'success'.

These are a couple of the main reasons I disagree with it. Now, as I stated above, winning football games could be part of some of the other benefits that come from leading a holy life. How? Well,  I would argue that hard work, character, teamwork, leadership....these are all traits that are laid out for us in scripture by Christ. However, these are also traits that can be developed by any aspiring athlete, Christian or not, because they see that doing so will benefit their gameplay and performance.

Now, to be clear, God is blessing Tim Tebow in some form directly for the way he is leading his life. I just feel it's important to realize that it might not be in ways that any of us will ever see and, in my mind, is not shown by the outcome of a game on a football field. That is my point. I know I may have simplified some things here but my desire was to give what I hope is an accurate reflection of the Christian life and, more importantly, check to be sure that we are presenting an accurate view to the rest of an unsaved world.