Monday, October 15, 2012

"...I'd rather be a comma...than a full stop"

            “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter. Truth is lacking, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. The LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no justice.”   -(Isaiah 59:14-15)

I’ve had all I can take. I cannot be silent anymore. I read the above verses in a few days ago and, if I didn’t know better, I would say that Isaiah is currently living in our time and speaking about our culture when he wrote these words. 

Politics. That one word makes most of us groan. We think of the 7,396,284 ads we see around election time and how many of us wish it would just all STOP! I am with you. I sympathize, more than that, I think it should change. But this post is not about that. This is about something else. I have run across several people from my generation(which is who this post is directed at)in the last few weeks that are planning on NOT voting because of various reasons.

This won’t be a long post. Probably three points…we’ll see if I can stop there once I get going. I’m going to lay out several reasons why we should…no…why we must vote. A couple of clarifying points before I begin. First, I am not going to advocate for a party, or a candidate, in this post. Second, this is my opinion. I realize that it could be wrong and I certainly welcome productive discussion about the topic. Alright, let’s begin.

 First, it is a privilege to vote. Most people in other countries only dream about such a privilege. Also, many, many people have died to give you this freedom. They’ve paid the ultimate price because they believe that you should have the freedom to choose how we as a nation are governed and how that in turn will impact our children and future generations. Now, one could argue that being ‘free’ also means that you could decide not to vote…because it’s your choice. I would say that you are right. You don’t have to vote. But, (and… get ready…beautiful transition approaching…) that leads me to my second point.

Second, as a Christian, you have a responsibility to vote.  Let’s revisit verse fourteen for a moment. “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the public squares, and uprightness cannot enter…”. Why do you think that righteousness cannot enter and truth is not welcomed in the public square? Maybe it’s because evil people with no moral compass, or fear of God, have entered these places? Why have they entered? Could it be because, as Edmund Burke famously said, "...all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."? We must speak out for the values laid out in scripture, and help pull this culture out of the death spiral Satan would like to pull us into. By “not choosing a side”, and refusing to stand up for right, you are letting evil people have their way. It’s as simple as that.
The last issue I want to bring up is to counter this argument: “It doesn’t matter if I vote because God is in control and it’s doesn’t matter who wins…God is still in control no matter what”. This is a more difficult question to counter because, as first glance, it seems plausible…spiritual even. However, on closer inspection, this argument doesn’t hold water. Again, to return to my first point, it’s not a neutral issue. The world is being pulled toward evil because of sin and God has clearly called us in scripture to stand for what’s right. God could intervene, and sometimes does, but He has placed us on this world to be His hands and feet. To ignore this responsibility, I would argue, is to ignore what God has asked of us as His emissaries on this earth.  

I could go on, but hopefully this has made us stop and think. Once again, I call upon my generation to stand for what’s right. It is our time. Many of us are now of age to have an impact on how our children will live in the future. So do your research…study scripture…and then vote. I will. I want to be a link in a chain of generations that stand for God and for what is right. I don’t want to be the end of the chain…I refuse to be the final link. A line from one of my favorite songs comes to mind as I close:

“Don’t want to see another generation drop…I’d rather be a comma than a full stop…”