Friday, August 27, 2010

Thoughts on Valentines Day

(Published originally on Feb11, 2010)

Hey Everyone,

So over the last few days I've been hearing lots about the big day that is coming up this weekend...meaning of course Valentines Day. From people at CSU, to Facebook, to hearing friends talk about seems that everyone has it on their minds. Now... this might be just me, but I have seen a lot of negative comments about the day from people that are single. And in the past, I would have definitely fallen into this category of people who don't really like the holiday because essentially it proves to everyone that you are indeed still single. And, like many, I have complained in the past about it. However, this year I was praying about it and I really felt the need to say some things to those of us that are single this Valentines Day. So here it goes...

First- I know it is hard but BE HAPPY for those that have someone special (in this case I am thinking bf, gf, husband, wife). And one way to do this is see if you can do anything to make the holiday special for them. For example, maybe swap days at work with that guy who wants to take his girl out and drew the short straw for Sunday evening's shift... trust me....he'll think the world of you if you will do that for him. Or, (this one is one that I need to do) offer to watch your siblings so that your parents can go out and have a nice evening if they'd like to spend some time together. In my case, I was struck with how amazingly blessed I am to have parents that love each other and have given me a great example to follow. So I should be excited to be able to give back to them a little. Another option that I have seen some people do (which is something I hadn't thought of until recently) is....take out a sibling or a friend that is going through a rough time and might really enjoy someone caring enough about them to spend that time with them. I know that it meant the world to me when the people I respected in my life took the time to notice me when I was younger.

Second- Be thankful for the time God has given you right now...even if you are single. Tonight I was listening to a Steven Curtis Chapman song "Miracle of the Moment" and there is a part in there that goes:

"...It’s time for letting go
All of our "if only’s"
Because we don’t have a time machine.
And even if we did
Would we really want to use it?
Would we really want to go change everything?
Because we are who... and where... and what we are for now
And this is the only moment we can do anything about
So breathe it in and breathe it out
Listen to your heartbeat
There’s a wonder in the here and now
It’s right there in front of you
And I don’t want you to miss
The miracle of the moment..."

I am sure many of you know, but shortly after he wrote this song, Chapman's little girl was killed in a tragic accident. I am probably a little off on this but I think she was only 6 or 7 years old. He didn't have too many more moments with her. just struck me... how many moments do we waste wishing for something or someone else and miss the time God has given us with those we have RIGHT NOW? And since we really never know how long we're going to have with anyone, I just thougt that this Valentines Day maybe we should try to look outside ourselves a little and see all the blessings God has given us right now. I know it is still a hard day.... but God has really taught me (and I am still trying to learn) that if we look outside instead of focusing on our own needs, He will take a lot of that pain away. :)

There is more I could say... but I really do want to try to keep this short. I know I am probably forgetting some important things or ideas that would be a help but, as one of my friends says, please credit it to my head and not my heart. Thank for reading…

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